Wet Dog Food

Wet dog food is generally more nutritious and lower in carbohydrates and calories than dry dog food. Adult dogs benefit from a low-carbohydrate and high animal protein and fat diet. Raw food sources such as beef liver, turkey meal and chicken fat are considered excellent ingredients for wet food. The quality of the ingredients in dog food varies greatly from brand to brand. Some manufacturers use high-quality meals or fats, while others use animal by-products of questionable origin. The content of animal fat and protein in canned wet food is often twice that of raw animal meats, which is a good thing for their health. The calorie content in one ounce of dry dog food is nearly 4 times that of one ounce of wet food, about 97 calories and 25 calories respectively.

There are other additional benefits of canned wet food: the high moisture content, which is 74-82% higher than the 10-12% of dry food, makes your dog feel more satisfied. The process of canning is necessary to retain the flavour, which is why we only pick big brands that comply with canned food regulations, stipulate processing standards and restrict the use of preservatives, artificial flavourings, and artificial colouring.

A common question when it comes to wet or canned dog food is how it affects dogs’ dental health. We provide wet food which helps scrape the dental plaque. Comparing the dental plaque accumulation issue led by starch content in dry dog food, wet food is also a superior choice for your furry friends.

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